Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dinner Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Dinner Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

What the's not like I ever win but maybe someday!!


This is me.... Kristen said...

It's nice to see you're just as busy as me and haven't posted anything either! *love you*

Rostron Family said...

Chrissy, I am so sorry that Dan has once again screwed you over....the whole situation is just sad....but one day it will come around and bit him in the butt....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, a little advertising for Snow, Manit, and the Grill I guess... Im sure we will use the copies of the article somehow. If you want to drop them off at the grill sometime, or I can pick them up too. Which ever... Thanks.

Sam said...
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Sam said...

You know you should update your blog every once in a while! Im curious to see whats happening in the Ray family!! :)